Greg Smith <> writes:
> There is a brief "get to know the community" period at the beginning of
> the summer schedule. I think that next year this project would be well
> served to give each student a small patch to review during that time, as
> a formal intro to the community process. The tendency among students to
> just wander off coding without doing any interaction like that is both
> common and counterproductive, given how patches to PostgreSQL actually
> shuffle along toward becoming commit quality code. Far as I'm
> concerned, a day spent working with the patch review checklist on
> someone else's patch pays for itself tenfold when it comes time to
> produce patches that others will be able to review.
That seems like a great idea.
Is there a specific period when that's supposed to happen for GSoC
students? Can we arrange for a commitfest to be running then?
(I guess it'd need to be early in the fest, else the low-hanging
fruit will be gone already.)
regards, tom lane