-----Original Message----- From: pgsql-general-owner@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-general-owner@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Jeremiasz Miedzinski Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 1:15 PM To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org Subject: [GENERAL] [PL/pgSQL] How should I use FOUND special variable. Documentation is little unclear for me
I'm porting some procedures from PL/SQL and I encountered following problem: In PL/SQL I'm using this statement related to cursor:
OPEN crs_cnt(start_millis, end_millis); LOOP FETCH crs_cnt into row_cnt; EXIT WHEN crs_cnt%NOTFOUND; insert into spm_audit_stats values(SEQ_SPM_ID_AUTO_INC.nextval, start_millis, base_stat_period, row_cnt.adt_count, row_cnt.adt_avg, row_cnt.adt_max, row_cnt.adt_min, row_cnt.adt_stdev, row_cnt.adt_service_name, row_cnt.adt_root_user); global_counter := global_counter + 1; END LOOP; CLOSE crs_cnt;
Now, I need to do the same action in PL/pgSQL. It's rather simple, but I don't know how to use FOUND variable described in documentation:
FETCH retrieves the next row from the cursor into a target, which may be a row variable, a record variable, or a comma-separated list of simple variables, just like SELECT INTO. As with SELECT INTO, the special variable FOUND may be checked to see whether a row was obtained or not.
When I'm trying to use it in Oracle way, my DB reports error. Also I tried to use it like that: