"Guo, Yun" <YGuo@cvent.com> writes:
> I tried gdb on selectDumpableNamespace() and dumpNamespace().
> So it looks like for those problematic schemas,the dump value is 1 in
> selectDumpableNamespace() which is correct, but when it goes to
> dumpNamespace() the dump value becomes 0, so it get skipped.
Oh really ...
> Breakpoint 1, dumpNamespace (fout=0x654290, nspinfo=0x6600c0) at
> pg_dump.c:7930
> 7930 {
> (gdb) p nspinfo.dobj
> $31 = {objType = DO_NAMESPACE, catId = {tableoid = 2615, oid = 17972},
> dumpId = 13, name = 0x660d80 "test", namespace = 0x0,
> dump = 0 '\000', ext_member = 1 '\001', dependencies = 0x6e2b60, nDeps = 1, allocDeps = 16}
There's the problem: this schema is marked as a member object of an
extension, so it's not going to get dumped. The expectation is that it'd
be recreated during CREATE EXTENSION of whatever extension it belongs to.
regards, tom lane