Re: pgsql: Fix a bunch of bad grammar in the docs: ", which see for - Mailing list pgsql-committers

From Neil Conway
Subject Re: pgsql: Fix a bunch of bad grammar in the docs: ", which see for
Msg-id 1179343103.16480.30.camel@goldbach
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: pgsql: Fix a bunch of bad grammar in the docs: ", which see for  (Tom Lane <>)
Responses Re: pgsql: Fix a bunch of bad grammar in the docs:", which see for
List pgsql-committers
On Wed, 2007-16-05 at 15:10 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> I beg to differ.

On what grounds?


pgsql-committers by date:

From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: pgsql: Fix a bunch of bad grammar in the docs: ", which see for
From: Gregory Stark
Subject: Re: pgsql: Fix a bunch of bad grammar in the docs:", which see for