Le mardi 02 janvier 2007 à 18:08 -0700, Jonah H. Harris a écrit : <blockquote type="CITE"><pre>
<font color="#000000">On 12/30/06, Mark Cave-Ayland <<a
<font color="#000000">> In short, if people don't mind waiting for my free cycles to come along</font>
<font color="#000000">> then I will continue to chip away at it; otherwise if it's considered an</font>
<font color="#000000">> essential for 8.3 with an April deadline then I will happily hand over</font>
<font color="#000000">> to Jonah.</font>
<font color="#000000">I'd say it's probably essential given my last, shall we say, "mishap".</font>
<font color="#000000"> So I guess I'll start up discussion on the design again soon. I'm</font>
<font color="#000000">leaving in a couple days to travel up to NJ so expect discussion to</font>
<font color="#000000">start again on Tuesday of next week.</font>
<font color="#000000">As always, I too wouldn't have a problem if someone else is going to</font>
<font color="#000000">see it through for 8.3.</font>
</pre></blockquote> Why not looking at <a href="http://gppl.moonbone.ru/">http://gppl.moonbone.ru/</a> <font
size="1">evgenpotemkin.</font> has ever made a patch for WITH and CONNECT BY?<br /><br /> I'm ready to test these
features...(RECURSIVE) when they'll land in CVS...<br /><br /> Hubert FONGARNAND
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