I have tried to set up a PostgreSQL server with no success. Connections from
other-than-local hosts won't work. I've tried to connect from Windows XP using
PgWorkSheet && pgAccess.
I have studied the internet for similar problems without an answer. the
following has been done:
-- PSQL & PSQL-server installation
-- configuring the pg_hba.conf with following lines:
host all trust
host all <my_ip> trustlocal all trust
host koli <my_ip> trust
-- configuring the postgresql.conf wit following lines:
#listen_addresses = '*'
#port = 5432
#tcpip_socket = true
-- starting the postmaster with command
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -i -D /usr/local/pgsql/data &
-- installing the PSQL ODBC driver for Windows
I wonder if the problem is related to the operating system's TCP/IP settings? I
tried netstat to find out if the port 5432 is used, but it seems that it isn't.
What should I do? Remember, I'm quite a newbie with linux-style operating
systems so keep it simple.
Thanks already,