STABLE functions - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Rafal Pietrak
Subject STABLE functions
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Responses Re: STABLE functions
List pgsql-general
Hi All,

May be someone can help me with the following problem:

1. I need to extend 'featurs' of database user account.

2. I did that by creating a table:
CREATE TABLE users (username text, -- key matching 'current_user'
    freaturs text -- thing I need

3. I allow acces to that table through VIEWs:
    CREATE VIEW my_users AS SELECT * FROM users WHERE ....

4. one of the 'featurs' I need is a 'controlled' addition/deletion of
database uses - by 'controlled' I mean "with a little help from stored

5. one of the procedures is:
CREATE FUNCTION kill(text) RETURNS boolean as $$ SET ROLE
MASTER_OF_THE_UNIVERSE; EXECUTE 'DROP USER ' || quote_ident($1); reset
role; return true; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE;

6. which is used within:
kill(old.username) = true AND ....;

Now, the problem is:
----------------an attempt execution-------------
    ERROR:  SET is not allowed in a non-volatile function
    CONTEXT:  SQL statement "set role MASTER_OF_THE_UNIVERSE"
    PL/pgSQL function kill line 1 at execute statement

I've defined the function as STABLE, since it's *meant* to be called
just once-per-statement (depends just on it's argument, not on any data
within AND clause that follows not on any other actions happening within
the statement).

In other words, I wouldn't like this function to be called again and
again (as with NONE-STABLE functions), for every row to be deleted. Just
once per statement to retrieve the value it would have for this
statement, which depends solely on "old.username" which is supposed to
remain stable throuout the statement.

So I fell into 'semantical ambiquity case':
1. I used the STABLE keyword to tell executor to evaluate the function
just once per statement.
2. while it looks, that the STABLE keyword is there, to tell the
executor, that 'whatever it does' - the outcome of the function remains
the same within a statement.

Which is not exactly the same meaning. Any one knows which one is
'according to standard'?

But. Is there any implementable solution to my design?

BTW: signifficant part of my stored procedures code is there for the
sole reason, that manipulation of USERS (addition/deletion/etc) is not
accessible for a member of priviledged groups.... until the role is set
explicitly (as in the case of KILL function above). May be there is a
configuration switch to change this default?

BTW-2: My design would be much easier if only I counld:
    CREATE TABLE users(
       id int references pg_authid(oid) on delete cascade,
Which I cannot, apparently. Are there technical reasons for this


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