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Another pass at the "deleting all but one identical row" item for
the FAQ. Made it less wordy and more to the point. Hopefully
the examples work too. :)
Greg Sabino Mullane greg@turnstep.com
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200303061421
Index: FAQ.html
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql-server/doc/src/FAQ/FAQ.html,v
retrieving revision 1.171
diff -c -r1.171 FAQ.html
*** FAQ.html 2003/02/18 17:23:08 1.171
--- FAQ.html 2003/03/06 19:24:50
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temporary tables in PL/PgSQL functions?<BR>
<A href="#4.27">4.27</A>) What replication options are available?<BR>
<A href="#4.28">4.28</A>) What encryption options are available?<BR>
+ <A href="#4.29">4.29</A>) How can I delete all but one identical row?<BR>
<H2 align="center">Extending PostgreSQL</H2>
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<I>PASSWORD_ENCRYPTION</I> in <I>postgresql.conf</I>.</LI>
<LI>The server can run using an encrypted file system.</LI>
+ <H4><A name="4.29">4.29</A>) How can I delete all but one identical row?<BR>
+ </H4>
+ <P>If you have rows that can not be differentiated by a WHERE clause, and
+ want to delete all but one of the rows, you can use the
+ system column <CODE><SMALL>oid</SMALL></CODE>:</P>
+ <PRE>
+ DELETE FROM mytable WHERE mycol = 'xxx' AND oid !=
+ (SELECT oid FROM mytable WHERE mycol = 'xxx' LIMIT 1);
+ </PRE>
+ <P>Some tables may not have <CODE><SMALL>oid</SMALL></CODE>s, in which
+ case you can use the system column <CODE><SMALL>ctid</SMALL></CODE>
+ with a slightly different syntax:</P>
+ <PRE>
+ DELETE FROM mytable WHERE mycol = 'xxx' AND NOT ctid =
+ (SELECT ctid FROM mytable WHERE mycol = 'xxx' LIMIT 1);
+ </PRE>
Comment: http://www.turnstep.com/pgp.html