Am Mittwoch, den 30.11.2005, 10:15 +0800 schrieb Christopher
> Hi guys,
> How would I go about implementing MySQL's BIN() function easily in PL/SQL.
> mysql> SELECT BIN(12);
> -> '1100'
> Basically it converts a bigint to a string containing 1's and 0's.
> I've tried messing about with bit() types, but those types lack casts to
> text, etc. And they are left padded with many zeros.
In python, I usually go like this:
def trans(value,base="01"): value,r=divmod(value,len(base)) if value: return trans(value,base)+base[r] return
While base above has a default of "01" which
let it render binary:
-> '1010'
you can use any base you want:
-> 'a'
and so on.
If you want it easy, just put above code
into a pl/python function.
Or rewrite it in C or pl/pgsql or something.