Tom Strickland <> writes:
> The subject says it all really. I have a phone no. field of type
> VARCHAR(15) and would like to add a check that says 'only allow
> numbers or the space character in this field'. Can I do this with a
> CHECK (and if so how?) or do I need a trigger?
Sure: regexp pattern match will do that sort of thing for you.
regression=# create table foo (phone text check (phone ~ '^[0-9 ]*$'));
regression=# insert into foo values('555 1212');
INSERT 147838 1
regression=# insert into foo values('555-1212');
ERROR: ExecAppend: rejected due to CHECK constraint foo_phone
Note the above will allow empty-string phone numbers; if you don't want
that, write + instead of *. For more info see
regards, tom lane