>> Sorry, there's basically 0 chance of that happening with any
>> reliability. The stats system is designed not to slow down actual
>> transactions at all, which is what it would have to do to guarantee
>> instantaneous response.
>Is there a way that I can manually slow down a query or transaction, to
>ensure that I see it when I type 'SELECT current_query FROM
>pg_stat_activity;'. I already tried explicitly ending transactions by
>> but you'll incur corresponding increases in overhead, and you'll never
>> get to the point of certain repeatability.
>I don't care at all about increases in overhead. I warned you that my
>request is a strange one, but this is more of a puzzle, that happens to
>have a real use for me. It also doesn't have to be 100% repeatable. 50%
>or even 25% repeatable would be good enough for me, as long as it works a
>significant percentage of the time.
Tom, et al.,
Given that Postgres is an *open source* database, I would imagine
there'd be a fairly simple tweak that could be done to the source,
assuming Melanie wants to build the database (and doesn't mind forking
off from future versions--perhaps a big if--but her request is strange
enough that maybe she wouldn't mind! ;-)...
I would imagine this would also avoid any performance hit, just a change
in the way it's done and perhaps a simple one at that (this assumes
someone familar enough with the source and who wants to help provide the
change). It would also, presumably, give her 100% repeatability.
(Though undoubtedly 'personal' builds of postgres itself probably isn't
something that's usually covered on a 'novice' e-mail list!)
Anyway, this thread just got me 'ta thinkin' about the "open" in open