Happened the same thing with me.
I did not obtain to find the error.
I installed postgres vers. 8 that he is native for Windows.
I do not know if somebody I obtained to arrange this problem!
* Juliano Francisco Angeli *
* jf.angeli@faccat.br *
* http://fit.faccat.br/~julianoangeli/principal *
* http://fit.faccat.br/~julianoangeli *
Citando JUN LEYRITANA <miguel_moira@yahoo.com>:
-> I follow this instructions: Installing PostgreSQL on
-> Windows Using Cygwin FAQ
-> but after issuing the command:
-> initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -W -E LATIN1
-> an error occured.
-> Signal 12
-> 10
-> selecting default shared_buffers... Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> Signal 12
-> 50
-> creating configuration files... ok
-> creating template1 database in
-> /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/1... Signal 12
-> initdb: failed
-> Pls. help thanks!
-> OS:Windows 98
-> Cygwin with cygipc package
-> jun
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