Re: find close (duplicate) points + create index - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Elinor
Subject Re: find close (duplicate) points + create index
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: find close (duplicate) points + create index  (Tom Lane <>)
Responses Re: find close (duplicate) points + create index  (Tom Lane <>)
List pgsql-novice
Hi Tom,
Following your advice quite a long time ago, I built an index on my very large table called object:

myDB=# select count(*) from object;
(1 row)
Time: 8354.25 ms

using RTREE INDEX on a column of type point:

myDB=# create index object_point_a on object using rtree (box(point_a,point_a));
Time: 220546.54 ms

Then I tried the query you suggested to find points closer to each other than 1.5:
SELECT * FROM object a,object b
WHERE box(a.point_a,a.point_a)&&box(circle(b.point_a,sqrt(2)))
AND (a.point_a<->b.point_a)<1;

After many many minutes, it started giving these lines:
server sent data ("D" message) without prior row description ("T" message)
server sent data ("D" message) without prior row description ("T" message)
server sent data ("D" message) without prior row description ("T" message)

Eventually I lost patience and killed it. I am pretty sure I tried it once, but perhaps the table wasn't as big.
Any suggestions?


Elinor Medezinski <elinor ( at ) bellatrix ( dot ) tau ( dot ) ac ( dot ) il> writes:
> And then I found out that in postgres the only operator classes defined for 
> rtree indexes are: bigbox_ops, box_ops and poly_ops. Neither of which works 
> with points, only with type box and polygon. Therefore I also have to create 
> an operator class.

No you don't.  What you want is a functional index built on a box or polygon
surrounding the point.  For instance, given

regression=# create table p1 (point_a point);
regression=# create index p1i on p1 using rtree (box(point_a, point_a));

you could do searches for points enclosed in a specific box like this:

regression=# explain select * from p1 where box(point_a, point_a) && '(0,1),(0,1)'::box;                          QUERY PLAN
----------------------------------------------------------------Index Scan using p1i on p1  (cost=0.00..17.07 rows=5 width=16)  Index Cond: (box(point_a, point_a) && '(0,1),(0,1)'::box)
(2 rows)

since box-overlap (&&) is one of the rtree-indexable operators.

The most useful way to solve your original problem seems to be

regression=# explain select * from p1 a, p1 b where
regression-# box(a.point_a, a.point_a) && box(circle(b.point_a,sqrt(2)))
regression-# and (a.point_a <-> b.point_a) <= 1;                                                    QUERY PLAN
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nested Loop  (cost=0.01..17220.00 rows=1667 width=32)  Join Filter: (("inner".point_a <-> "outer".point_a) <= 1::double precision)  ->  Seq Scan on p1 b  (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=16)  ->  Index Scan using p1i on p1 a  (cost=0.01..17.07 rows=5 width=16)        Index Cond: (box(a.point_a, a.point_a) && box(circle("outer".point_a, 1.4142135623731::double precision)))
(5 rows)

The indexable condition finds "a" rows that are within the bounding box
of a circle surrounding the "b" row, and then we only need to apply the
exact distance check to those rows.

(If you're wondering about the sqrt(2), there's an oddity in the
built-in circle-to-box function: it divides the circle radius
by sqrt(2).  I think this is a bug and will propose changing it
for 7.5.)
		regards, tom lane

On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 07:27, Tom Lane wrote:
Elinor Medezinski <> writes:
> I'm trying to find duplicate entries, where two entries are considered 
> duplicates if  they're within a radius of 1, meaning something like
> "select point from pointtable where distance between points <=1".
> Obviously this is not SQL syntax.

Well, it is if you do a self-join:
select * from pointtable a, pointtable bwhere distance(a.point, b.point) <= 1;

Postgres spells the "distance" operator as "<->", so this becomes
select * from pointtable a, pointtable bwhere (a.point <-> b.point) <= 1;

Making it fast is a more difficult problem :-( ... if you write the
above query as-is then the system will sit there and compare each row of
pointtable to each other row, looking for pairs of rows that match the
where-clause.  Okay if you just have some thousands of rows, but on a
big table this will take longer than you want to wait.

> Also, I also tried to build an index on that column, but there's no operator 
> class for type point. How can I do that?

A btree index on a point column would be quite useless, since btree
understands only a one-dimensional continuum with less-than, equal,
greater-than relationships.  But I think you might be able to do
something with an rtree index.  I'd look at making an rtree index on
the unit box around each point, and then using an "overlaps" test as
an indexable coarse filter before the exact distance check.
		regards, tom lane+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure Systemat the Tel-Aviv University CC.

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