W liście z sro, 22-09-2004, godz. 00:50, Dave Cramer pisze:
> Sorry, missed one more where clause.
> select column_default from information_schema.columns where table_name =
> 'xyz' and column_name = 'id';
> This assumes a table defined like create table xyz (id serial);
It's works but only for the owner of the table
or I do something wrong ;)
8 \\|||// Jarosław J. Pyszny <arghil@poczta.onet.pl>
b (o|o) Linux admin/devel ("Vitae,non scholae,discimus")
i --\_/-- Linux user: #96704 (http://counter.li.org)
t =->komputer(y) - daj znać jeśli chcesz się pozbyć <-=