wrong quoted column types in "types" - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Martin Sarsale
Subject wrong quoted column types in "types"
Msg-id 1095087645.1710.6.camel@kadaif
Whole thread Raw
List pgadmin-support
Dear All: 
Im using pgadmin debian ver 1.1.0-0.0+cvs.20040908.1 and I found this
little bug:

I wanted to duplicate a "type", so I went to the types item on the tree,
and I choosed the origin type. When the code used to create this type
appeared on the right pane, I copy the sql and pasted it as a new query
but I found that the column types (varchar, and time) where quoted (and
they should not):

-- Type: xxx

-- DROP TYPE xxx;

CREATE TYPE xxx AS  (id int4,   xxx "varchar"(200),   xxx float8,   xxx "time"(0),   xxx int4,   xxx int4,   xxx
"varchar"(150),  xxx text,   xxx "varchar"(200));

Thanks in advance :)

pgadmin-support by date:

From: derrick@grifflink.com
Subject: Missing file MSVCR71.dll, libssl32.dll
From: blacknoz@club-internet.fr
Subject: Re: wrong quoted column types in "types"