Confused with db client encoding - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Carlos Correia
Subject Confused with db client encoding
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: Confused with db client encoding
List pgsql-general

Here is the output a psql session. Please notice that the identation
inconsistences in the records containg non ASCII chars is as outputed by

The db was created with LANIN9 and the console was ran (in the same
machine) using UTF-8 (my system's default).

I was surprised to notice that setting the client to unicode (which is
what that console is using) messed the localized chars as I was
expecting to see the opposite way.

On the other way, when invoking from a Java app, running on the same
machine, the accentuaded chars also appeared messed.

Have I misunderstood the manual? How can I get a consistant behaviour?

It was tested in a Debian/unstable box, running PostgreSQL 7.4.5-3 and
Sun's JVM 1.4.2



psql session:
mpb2-m16e=# \l
        List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding
 mpb2-test | carlos   | LATIN9
 template0 | postgres | LATIN9
 template1 | postgres | LATIN9
(3 rows)

mpb2-m16e=# select tipo_doc_id, nome, descricao from tab_tipo_doc where
tipo_doc_id < 100;
 tipo_doc_id |         nome         |               descricao
           0 |                      | (documento desconhecido)
           1 | Encomenda            | Encomendas
           2 | Factura              | Facturas
           3 | Tx. Dinheiro         | Transacções a Dinheiro
          11 | Nota de Crédito     | Notas de Crédito
          12 | Nota de Débito      | Notas de Débito
          21 | G. Remessa           | Guia de Remessa
          91 | Saída Armazém      | Saídas de Armazém
          92 | Ent. Armazém        | Entradas em Armazém
           5 | Devolução          | Devoluções de Facturas/Tx. Dinheiro
          99 | Acerto Inv.          | Acerto de Inventário
          51 | O.T.                 | Ordens de Trabalho
(12 rows)

mpb2-m16e=# set client_encoding to unicode;
mpb2-m16e=# select tipo_doc_id, nome, descricao from tab_tipo_doc where
tipo_doc_id < 100;
 tipo_doc_id |         nome         |               descricao
           0 |                      | (documento desconhecido)
           1 | Encomenda            | Encomendas
           2 | Factura              | Facturas
           3 | Tx. Dinheiro         | Transacções a Dinheiro
          11 | Nota de Crédito     | Notas de Crédito
          12 | Nota de Débito      | Notas de Débito
          21 | G. Remessa           | Guia de Remessa
          91 | Saída Armazém      | Saídas de Armazém
          92 | Ent. Armazém        | Entradas em Armazém
           5 | Devolução          | Devoluções de Facturas/Tx.
          99 | Acerto Inv.          | Acerto de Inventário
          51 | O.T.                 | Ordens de Trabalho
(12 rows)

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