I tried three scenarios on XP Professional.
1) Install everything and use all defaults
worked perfectly
2) Install everything, use a custom path of 'c:\program files\pgsql', and have
an old version (1.0.2) or Pgadmin 3 installed on the machine.
This got things confused, not sure if it was due to me leaving off the trailing
'\' on the path, or having the old Pgadmin 3 installed.
What happened was the "setting permissions" scanned the *entire* c drive, moer
than once I think. The installer showed a message saying Pg did not start (but
it did).
At this point I uninstalled, deleted the Postgres user and proceeded to 3)
3) Install everything, use a custom path of 'c:\program files\pgsql\', and
remove pgadmin 3 (1.0.2) *before* installing.
worked perfectly.
Quoting Magnus Hagander <mha@sollentuna.net>:
> A new beta-release of the win32 gui installer has been uploaded to
> pgfoundry.
> Postgresql is the snapshot from 20040731, with the win32 versioning/icon
> patch added, as well as the initdb auth patch (in the patch queue).