I want to be able to select a distinct group of rows from 2 tables and then once
selected to group and total the results from the previous sql statement I have
been trying the following
select a.id_fk_accommodation, a.id_fk_selection,a.type,sum(1) from
acommodationlog a, log l where (id_fk_accommodation) in (select distinct a.id_fk_accommodation,
l.sessionid from accommodationlog a, log l where a.id_fk_log = l.id_pk and
id_fk_accommodation = 159 ) group by a.id_fk_accommodation,a.id_fk_selection,a.type
I know this won't work due to incorrect number of columns in the in statement
but how do I achieve the above
Any help appreciated Thanks
David Inglis
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