> I am trying to retrieve the column names that comprise primary key of a
> table.
> According to manual, pg_index.indkey is an array of indnatts whose usage
> I am unaware of.
> CREATE TABLE table1 (
> PRIMARY KEY (c1,c2),
> c2 VARCHAR(10),
> c3 VARCHAR(10)
> I need a SQL to list the following 2 rows:
> c1
> c2
The following SQL:
select attname
from pg_class,pg_index,pg_attribute
where relname='table1' and relkind='r' and relhaspkey
and indrelid=pg_class.oid and indisprimary
and attrelid=pg_class.oid and attnum = ANY (indkey)
gives error: "ERROR: op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side"
Further tests show that this appears to work:
select attname
from pg_class,pg_index,pg_attribute
where relname='table1' and relkind='r' and relhaspkey
and indrelid=pg_class.oid and indisprimary
and attrelid=pg_class.oid and attnum IN
But is there any shortcut?