Mensaje citado por Barbara Lindsey <>:
> What kind of grant do you need to give a user so that they can have
> permission to do a "SELECT nextval(ID)" on a sequence?
> I granted the user SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE on all the tables,
> including the one that has the sequence, but the sequence query is
> failing on permissions.
You have to give him grant permissons on the sequence, not only the table, as when
you do a nextval(´sequece_name´) you are updating the value of the sequence.
P.D.: Could there be some extra docs about this in the GRANT command manual:
It speeks about granting all kind of relations, but not sequences. Just a tip.
select 'mmarques' || '@' || '' AS email;
Martín Marqués | Programador, DBA
Centro de Telemática | Administrador
Universidad Nacional
del Litoral