Merlin Moncure kirjutas R, 09.01.2004 kell 22:04:
> Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> > The central problem I have is this: How do we deal with the fact that
> > an XML datum carries its own encoding information?
> Maybe I am misunderstanding your question, but IMO postgres should be
> treating xml documents as if they were binary data, unless the server
> takes on the role of a parser, in which case it should handle
> unspecified/unknown encodings just like a normal xml parser would (and
> this does *not* include changing the encoding!).
> According to me, an XML parser should not change one bit of a document,
> because that is not a 'parse', but a 'transformation'.
IIRC, the charset transformations are done as a separate step in the
wire protocol _before_ any parser has chance transform or not.
The charset transform on incoming query are also agnostic of text
contents - it just blindly transforms the whole SQL statement.