On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 04:41, Holger Klawitter wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am Friday 21 November 2003 09:49 schrieben Sie:
> > > i am a newbie to the pgsql world, so pls bear with a possibly stupid
> > > question. i want to test out pgsql but i only have a shared hosting
> > > account. is it possible to install pgsql without root access, only for
> > > my
> > > account? my webhost uses redhat i think.
> >
> > No. The "make install" step requires a root access.
> Wrong! If you install into a writeable directory e.g.
> ./configure --prefix=/home/user/postgres
> make install will work just fine (or at least it did with me).
> The only problem is that you cannot start postgres automatially that easily at
> boot time.
A bit hackey, but you could write a cronjob to check for postmaster.pid
every few minutes and start postmaster if it does not exist. (assumes
your provider gives you cron access along with those software compiling
privileges). this wouldnt give you an at boot time start, but at least a
shortly after boot time start. you'd need to make that script behave
properly after system crash too.
Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL