Re: MINUS & ROWNUM in PostGres - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Rod Taylor
Subject Re: MINUS & ROWNUM in PostGres
Msg-id 1063109954.65347.93.camel@jester
Whole thread Raw
In response to MINUS & ROWNUM in PostGres  (Jomon Skariah <>)
Responses Re: MINUS & ROWNUM in PostGres
List pgsql-sql
> The problem is we are using PostGres 7.1.In this version REPLACE() is not
> available.

It sounded like you were just starting to work on the change over.  I
highly suggest upgrading to 7.3 at the very least, 7.4 if you're going
to be a few months prior to going to production. A ton of good work has
been put into PostgreSQL in the last couple of years.

Anyway, you'll need to write your own replace() if you stick with that

pgsql-sql by date:

From: Ian Barwick
Subject: Re: Conversion from Sybase ASA
From: "scott.marlowe"
Subject: Re: undefine currval()