How about this? It should spit out the same number, but be quite a bit
quicker at it. Untested of course...
select t.thread_id, t.forum_id, t.thread_title, t.thread_owner,
t.thread_owner_id, t.date_created, t.thread_hits, t.poem_reference,
t.bArchived, count, maxdate from fbof_thread t LEFT OUTER JOIN (select thread_id
, count(msg_id) as count , max(date_created) as maxdate from msg group by thread_id
)as tab ON m.thread_id = t.thread_id where t.forum_id = 1 and t.bArchived = 0 and
t.bSticky = 0 order by t.date_created desc
> can anyone point out to me where I'm going wrong here? I can't seem to make
> it faster for the life of me.... I've tried adding indices on all the main
> fields etc but nada. I'm not subscribed the list currently so please reply
> to my address as well as the list.