I stand corrected.
On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 22:54, Tom Lane wrote:
> Dave Cramer <Dave@micro-automation.net> writes:
> > This isn't true any more, the backend supports with hold now, so you can
> > declare a cursor outside a transaction
> However, if the problem is that the query result is too large to hold in
> memory, then a WITH HOLD cursor is a terrible solution. You are simply
> moving the problem of coping with the fully-materialized query result
> out of the client and into the backend. Admittedly the backend is
> probably better able to cope than the client (at least it knows how to
> spill rows to disk...), but if you are trying to get good performance
> on huge result sets you do not want to use a held cursor, any more than
> you want to suck the whole result into client memory.
> regards, tom lane
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Dave Cramer <Dave@micro-automation.net>