Hello List,
I have a question regarding the new stored procedures in Postgres 11 (I tested
I'd like to know if it is somehow possible to get a (or possibly more) result
set from selects within the SP, as it is possible in MariaDB, MySQL, or SQL
What I found until now is to use inout-Parms. Then I have to define all
columns in the select as inout-Params, but then I get only one line back,
regardless how many lines >0 have been selected.
I could also define an inout refcursor param, and parse that one, but that
would make the new SP identical to the well known functions returning a
refcursor. And when I use that approach, I have an additional step in Qt-Code
for example, since I have to exec the SP, then parse to the refcursor result,
exec the fetch and then parse the cursor output I'm interested in.
Did I miss something?
Thanks in advance!
MfG Jan