It is anything that would follow a WHERE clause. So, for #2, in the
Criteria entry for that field, you would put:
= 10074
Hence, the full query would look like this then (when it gets executed):
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE Chart_ID = 10074
On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 13:51, Scott Taylor wrote:
> Could someone tell me the syntax for the "Criteria" box for the following
> commands:
> 1. (Date column) Dates between 01-07-2002 and 30-09-2002
> 2. (Chart_ID column) Where value=10074
> 3. (Trans_ID column which has 3 entries with same ID, but only one would
> have a Chart_ID of 10074) If entry has a Chart_ID value of 10074, return
> all the rows EXCEPT the actual entry with Chart_ID=10074
> So the query should return this with the amount column split
> Date Chart_ID Trans_ID Amount Amount Amount
> 01-07-2002 10074 45689 15
> 01-07-2002 45689 100
> 01-07-2002 45689 115
> Did that make sense?
> Regards
> Scott
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
Brett Schwarz
brett_schwarz AT