Can you post a small example of code showing what doesn't work for you
and any errors? I use transactions all the time and turn autocommit on
and off according to what I need as I'm sure do most others on the list.
The only thing off the top of my head that I can think of is that if one
of your statements in a transaction gives an error, postgresql requires
you to rollback before it will accept other statements.
On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 13:31, Robert M. Zigweid wrote:
> I'm trying to roll a JDBC intensive application utilizing PostgreSQL and
> I came across a very difficult (and annoying) problem.
> The long and the short of it comes down to it appears that doing manual
> transactions do not appear to work presently under postgres. Switching
> the application to use autoCommit() cleared up the problem.
> I'm utilizing 7.2.2 for the database and grabbed devpgjdbc2.jar a couple
> days ago to test against, though I had similar issues with other
> versions of the jdbc driver.
> I've searched quite a bit and can't find any mention of others having
> this problem. Does everyone normally autocommit? Regardless, I have
> reasons where wanting full control over my transactions would be highly
> desirable and would like to either know what it is I'm doing wrong, or
> if this is indeed a flaw in the jdbc driver.
> Regards,
> Robert M. Zigweid
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Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping - - Testing -