Re: Multicolumn foreign keys need useless unique indices? - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Rod Taylor
Subject Re: Multicolumn foreign keys need useless unique indices?
Msg-id 1031931742.16745.14.camel@jester
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Multicolumn foreign keys need useless unique indices?  (Hannu Krosing <>)
Responses Re: Multicolumn foreign keys need useless unique indices?
List pgsql-hackers
> hannu=# update t set i=i+1;
> ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index t_i_key

A possibility may be to reverse the sequential scan order for the simple
cases, but anything any more complex and the check should be deferred
till end of statement, rather than checking immediately.

--  Rod Taylor

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