Hi all,
I've noted that in PostgreSQL 7.2.1 some of the utf8 mappings
of sjis and euc characters were different. One example that caught me out
was the double width ~.
'〜' (double byte/double width ~)
euc: 0xa1c1 -> 0xe3809c utf8
sjis: 0x8160 -> 0xefbd9e utf8
This caused me problems when a '〜' was loaded using euc and retrieved
using sjis as there was no sjis mapping for 0xe3809c.
I checked cvs and in the new mb mapping files, it seems to be fixed and
both euc and sjis now use 0xefbd9e. So I guess 7.3 will fix my problems
when it is released. Any idea when this will be btw?
My question is, if I can just get the new map files from cvs, ie:
x euc_jp_to_utf8.map
x sjis_to_utf8.map
x utf8_to_euc_jp.map
x utf8_to_sjis.map
and recompile 7.2.1 with no other changes (ie I just want the new mappings)
and expect everything to work? Or do I have to change some other
settings also or rerun some generator scripts or something?
Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping - http://nooper.com
tom@nooper.com - Testing - http://nooper.co.jp/labs