I'm porting an application from a proprietary database format to
PostgreSQL using ECPG. My problem is that the application uses a single
function to get a record from the database. Based upon which table is
being accessed, it dynamically calculates column sizes and returns the
record in a structure. Creating the query itself is fairly
straightforward, but I am unable to figure out how to retrieve the
_results_ of the query as I have no place to store them (since I don't
know what they will be until the function is called I can't use a EXEC
SQL DECLARE section).
It seems Oracle's sqlda would be a possible solution, but I understand
that isn't implemented in PostgreSQL.
What is the best way to store the results of a dynamic query without
knowing what the results will be beforehand (using ECPG, if possible)?
I'm using PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on SCO OpenSwerver.
Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (www.logiplex.net)
(503) 978-6726 x308 (800) 735-0555 x308