Re: BLOB performance test FYI - Mailing list pgsql-jdbc

From Anders Bengtsson
Subject Re: BLOB performance test FYI
Msg-id 1019084834.1393.22.camel@spinoza
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: BLOB performance test FYI  ("Joe Shevland" <>)
Responses Re: BLOB performance test FYI
List pgsql-jdbc
On 2002-04-18 Joe Shevland wrote:

> > the oid for the LargeObject.  The casual user of binary data (which can
> > range from a few bytes to hundreds of megs) should have something out of
> > the box that works symantically as they would expect IMHO.
> I totally agree; however as shown the bytea type *will not work* for data
> this size (esp. not hundreds of megs). Both storage and retrieval from the
> client. !!
> > I find that
> > many users of bytea are storing gifs and html pages for web sites which
> > generally are small enough such that bytea works fine.
> Well, I disagree... even a few kilobytes has shown to be substandard in
> storing.

Some of these problems aren't really about the datatypes themselves, but
how the driver handles them. Instead of streaming large data into the
backend, the client reads them into memory before sending them.
It seems the LO parts of the driver has a different solution, that
streams the data directly.
It would take some major reworking of the JDBC driver to fix this. I've
looked at it, and concluded that it is possible, but that it was too big
for me to fix.


A n d e r s  B e n g t s s o n  |
Stockholm, Sweden               |

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pgsql-jdbc by date:

From: "Joe Shevland"
Subject: Re: BLOB performance test FYI
From: Thomas O'Dowd
Subject: Re: using Date and setObject()