Announcing the release of Bricolage 1.3.0. This is a development release
for the forthcoming 1.4.0 release. It features many bug fixes planned
for the forthcoming 1.2.1 release, as well as a new feature: A SOAP
server. The SOAP server will enable automatic publishing of content, as
well as importing and exporting assets.
Here's a brief description of Bricolage:
Bricolage is a full-featured, opne-source, enterprise-class content
management system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of
use, a full-fledged templating system with complete programming \
language support for flexibility, and many other features. It
operates in an Apache/mod_perl environment, and uses the PostgreSQL
RDBMS for its repository.
More information on Bricolage can be found on its home page.
And it can be downloaded from SourceForge.
David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory ICQ: 15726394
Yahoo!: dew7e
Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.(sm)