On 5/31/22 11:59 AM, Muhammad Bilal Jamil wrote:
> Hi fellow database engineers,
> I am currently on a project where i have read only access to a
> production system (replicated) from where i want to copy data into
> another schema. Ideally what i want to do is that if for an event
> happens in the replicated schema (server#1) like something updates, then
> my database trigger runs and copies data from server#1 to my 2nd schema
> (server#2) for which i have read/write rights.
> Is this something possible? I would create the trigger in the 2nd server
> obviously since for first one i cant write anything.
You might try postgres_fdw:
Set up a table in the second server that links to the other server. Then
you have access to the data on the second server.
> Best
> Bilal
Adrian Klaver