On Fri, 2023-10-27 at 07:27 +0300, Alexander Rumyantsev wrote:
> Is there some correct way to use complex expressions as a key for partitioned table?
> Inserting works as expected, but select runs over all partitions until use complete
> partition key expression as predicate
> test=# create table test (
> id text,
> v1 bigint,
> v2 bigint
> )
> partition by range (((v1 + v2) % 10));
> test=# explain analyze select * from test where v1 = 100 and v2 = 100;
> [no partition pruning]
> test=# explain analyze select * from test where ((v1 + v2) % 10) = 0 and v1 = 100 and v2 = 100;
> [partition pruning]
Yes, you only get partition pruning if the WHERE clause contains a comparison with
the partitioning key. There is no way around that.
Laurenz Albe