Is there a solution to make it faster?
At the end I need only in the query the id_status =4 and 6, but if I write
in the sql query (where condition) where id_status in (4,6), the explain
says the same(the slow version).
For example:
SELECT count( FROM orders o
INNER JOIN report r ON
INNER JOIN status s ON
INNER JOIN contact c ON
INNER JOIN endkunde e ON
INNER JOIN zufriden z ON
INNER JOIN plannung v ON
INNER JOIN mpsworker w ON
INNER JOIN person p ON = w.id_person
WHERE o.id_status in (4,6);
The result for this query is also without index searches.
I really have to make this query a little more faster. Suggestions?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Lane" <>
To: "Andrei Bintintan" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [PERFORM] Index not used in query. Why?
> "Andrei Bintintan" <> writes:
> > Hi to all! I have the following query. The execution time is very big,
> > doesn't use the indexes and I don't understand why...
> Indexes are not necessarily the best way to do a large join.
> > If I use the following query the indexes are used:
> The key reason this wins seems to be that the id_status = 4 condition
> is far more selective than id_status > 3 (the estimates are 52 and 36967
> rows respectively ... is that accurate?) which means that the second
> query is inherently about 1/700th as much work. This, and not the use
> of indexes, is the fundamental reason why it's faster.
> regards, tom lane
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