You can use a trigger to update a different table with the count of
number of rows updated.
If you use the following sql, then every time you update a table called
tablename, the count column in the tabletocountrows will be incremented
for that tablename.
create table tabletocountrows (tablename varchar, count int);
insert into tabletocountrows values ('tablename', 0);
create or replace function countUpdatedRows() returns trigger as
update tabletocountrows
set count = count+1 where tablename = TG_RELNAME;
Return NULL;
' Language plpgsql;
create trigger countRows after update on tablename for each row execute
procedure countUpdatedRows();
Chandra Sekhar Surapaneni
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brian Hurt
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:57 PM
Subject: [NOVICE] Getting a count from an update
Newbie question here: I want to be able to capture the count of the
number of rows updated from an update command within SQL. I know that
psql prints out the result, I want to grab it within a function. The
update is a simple "UPDATE tablename SET col = value WHERE othercol =
otherval;", which will generally update many dozens or hundreds of
rows. Currently I'm doing a select before doing the update, but since
I'm doing a select count(*) I can't add a 'for update' to the end and
lock the rows. Is there a better way to do this?
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings