Any comments on multi-versioning problem:
As far as I understand from PG documentation, *CURRENTLY* VACUUM must be run
regulary, otherwise:
-Q. database will grow as fast as there are many DML going on it, won't it?
-Q. transaction ID may wrap - no doubt here.
-Q. Good news that VACUUM nowdays can run in parallel with other db activity
(non locking mode) and that pg_vacuum automates execution of VACUUM - this is
so, ins't it?
- Q. Bad knews that VACUUM must eventually scan every row(in fact, every row
and index pages?) in the database(?):
- if this is true(?) then can anyone give an idea on how long it runs
for a paticular size of the database and how much it slowdowns a database?
Thank you in advance,
Laimutis Nedzinskas
Reykjavik, Iceland