Hello, all,
I've created the ecosystem survey.
The response is collected in the following sheets.
These are for reviewing and practicing the survey form, so feel free to add any category/software options and see how
theresults look like in the sheet. The options in the above form are dummy. I'll prepare another form/sheet copy for
thereal survey, populate the category list with some initial options based on the Wikipedia, and then submit the survey
tousers after a week or so.
Could you review the form sentences? I'm not good at natural English expression, and I have no experience in making
thesurvey. I'd appreciate better sentences to encourage many users to respond.
> From: Torsten Zuhlsdorff [mailto:mailinglists@toco-domains.de]
> It is not always easy to see where a database is involved. Maybe we should
> not focus on software categories but on usage categories or industrial
> categories.
> A short explanation based at an example: image a logistic firm. There is
> a database for the employees, for the routs to drive, the cars to use, the
> goods to ship and even more. I see regularly a database to store GPS
> information about the location of each car, a database about statistics
> reaching form income to traffic jams.
> But in most cases the users/implementors also don't know which category
> of software the use. They simply searching for their problems and try their
> solutions. So we should maybe add some more text to the categories to make
> them easier findable.
I'll consider software/usage/industrial categories when populating the initial options. Any info source (Wikipedia
page)would be helpful for reference of usage/industrial categories.
> Focusing on the second one and our general propose i would take the broad
> road. Stack Overflow, DBA Exchange, Usenet. Everything you could reach,
> because it could be hard to get results.
> And at least we need to do something with the results.
Again, the advice on where to submit the survey would be much, much appreciated.
Takayuki Tsunakawa