The first build of the GeoTools2 is almost OK except that of PostGIS.
This is module that I am most interested in.
By doing "maven test" in PostgisTest.java (excluding all other tests) only.
I am getting the following console message excerpt
[junit] 25/11/2003 11:03:39 org.geotools.data.postgis.PostgisTest setUp
[junit] INFO: exception while making schemaCouldn't make schema: org.geotool
s.data.DataSourceException: no geometry found in the GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table fo
r jdbc_test of the postgis install. A row for geom is required for geotools t
o work correctly
[junit] 25/11/2003 11:03:39 org.geotools.data.postgis.PostgisTest testMaxFea
[junit] INFO: ...threw data source exceptionorg.geotools.data.DataSourceExce
ption: Couldn't make schema: org.geotools.data.DataSourceException: no geometry
found in the GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table for jdbc_test of the postgis install. A r
ow for geom is required for geotools to work correctly
I installed PostGreSQL/PostGIS correctly and tested with the accompanying sample of the PostGIS
and it worked perfectly. Now I am wondering if any additional sql script is needed to load into PostGre, besides
in order to make the GeoTools run properly.
I guess that the table geometry_columns must be loaded. So, is there any standard procedure for doing that?
Do I need to run the samples in some specified order?
thanks a lot