On this issue, instead of going for a newer version of xlc, as suggested, I opted to get a newer version of the
Postgressource code, 9.1.4. After compiling it with the same xlc version, I found that pg_dump works as expected. So,
theproblem appears to be somewhere in the 9.1 source code, at least for binaries created from it for AIX (6.1).
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [mailto:tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us]
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 12:13 PM
To: Alanoly Andrews
Cc: 'pgsql-admin@postgresql.org'
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] pg_dump on Postgres 9.1
Alanoly Andrews <alanolya@invera.com> writes:
> Is there any reported bug with pg_dump in Postgres 9.1, on AIX ? The following command hangs for "ever" and has to be
interrupted.It creates a zero-length file.
We had a recent report of strange server-side behavior on AIX that went away after rebuilding with a newer version of
xlc,suggesting that the code was getting bitten by an xlc optimization bug. Perhaps this is the same thing inside
pg_dump. If you're not using the latest xlc, try updating. If you are, does rebuilding with -O0 change the behavior?
regards, tom lane
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