This may make the query faster.
try to split the query into two parts:
first fetch all list-id's into a temp table (where cr.project_id = '55' and cr.start_time between '4/4/2003 0:0' and
then, join the temp table on lists (where l.list_of_lists_id = '691').
-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Chad Thompson [mailto:chad@weblinkservices.com]
Sendt: 29. mai 2003 19:20
Til: pgsql-sql
Emne: [SQL] Index scan never executed?
I have never been very good at reading these query plans, but I have a bit
of a problem w/ my query. So any help is appreciated.
The query is fairly self explanitory i think. 2 tables, call_results ( 6.5
Million records ) and lists ( 11 Million records )
weblink=# explain analyze
weblink-# select count(*) as count
weblink-# from call_results cr join lists l on cr.list_id = l.id
weblink-# where cr.project_id = '55'
weblink-# and cr.start_time between '4/4/2003 0:0' and now()
weblink-# and l.list_of_lists_id = '691';
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Aggregate (cost=2519.58..2519.58 rows=1
time=110715.45..110715.46 rows=1 loops=1) -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..2519.58 rows=1 width=16) (actual
time=110715.43..110715.43 rows=0 loops=1) -> Index Scan using start_time_idx on call_results cr
(cost=0.00..2021.00 rows=164 width=8) (actual time=110715.42..110715.42
rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: ((start_time >= '2003-04-04
00:00:00-07'::timestamp with time zone) AND (start_time <= now())) Filter: (project_id = 55::bigint)
-> Index Scan using lists_pkey on lists l (cost=0.00..3.03 rows=1
width=8) (never executed) Index Cond: ("outer".list_id = l.id) Filter: (list_of_lists_id =
691::bigint)Totalruntime: 110747.58 msec
(9 rows)
The big thing I dont understand is why it tells me (never executed) on
I also dont see where all the time is being taken up. I thought that
(actual time=110715.42..110715.42) meant from millisecond this... TO
millisecond that, but that would mean that this index scan took no time. So
as you can see I am very confused. :-)
TIA for any suggestions on how to make this query faster.
PS I have run vacuum full and analyze as reciently as last night :-)
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