Using indexes for partial index builds - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Paul Norman
Subject Using indexes for partial index builds
Msg-id 048801ce012c$dc68d650$953a82f0$
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: Using indexes for partial index builds
List pgsql-hackers
After a discussion on IRC in #postgresql, I had a feature suggestion and it
was suggested I write it up here.

I have a large (200GB, 1.7b rows) table with a number of columns, but the
two of interest here are a hstore column, tags and a postgis geometry
column, geom. 

There is a GIN index on tags and a gist index on geom. These took about
36-48 hours to build in total. Obviously index building on a table this size
is not trivial.

Periodically I want to do a number of specialized queries on objects with a
particular tag or in a particular area. To do this I often want to create a
partial index. For example, I created the index btree ((tags ->
'name_1'::text) text_pattern_ops) WHERE tags ? 'name_1'::text. My
understanding is to create this index PostgreSQL does a scan of the entire
table, even though the GIN index on tags could be used to identify which
rows could belong in the index. Where the WHERE condition selects only a
small portion of the table this is scanning a lot more data than is

Another case where it would be useful is when I am conducting a detailed
analysis of some aspect of the rows in a particular city. This leads to all
the queries being of the form SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE

My current project is doing analysis involving addresses. The ability to
create an index like btree((tags -> 'addr:housenumber'), (tags ->
'addr:street'), (tags -> 'addr:city')) WHERE is_in_my_area(geom) in a
reasonable time would allow me to use a view instead of copying the local
area to a temporary table and indexing that table. The local area is about
350k rows, or about 0.02% of the database.

[1] The actual function for determining if it's in my area is long and not
really essential to the point here.

pgsql-hackers by date:

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