I'm not sure how to go about doing that Tom. If it doesn't inconveniece you
too much, could you let me know how to go about it?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Lane" <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
To: "Heather Johnson" <hjohnson@nypost.com>
Cc: <pgsql-admin@postgresql.org>; "Harry Ford" <hford@globix.com>; "Serge
Canizares" <serge@enluminaire.com>; "Marie Musacchio" <marie@nypost.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] problems doing sub-selects on PostgreSQL 7.1.3 and
Solaris 7
> "Heather Johnson" <hjohnson@nypost.com> writes:
> > Sure, this is what I get:
> > 2001-12-11 09:40:24 DEBUG: StartTransactionCommand
> > 2001-12-11 09:40:24 DEBUG: query: select count(*) from users where id
not =
> > in (select users_id from users_demographics)
> > /opt/postgres/bin/postmaster: reaping dead processes...
> > /opt/postgres/bin/postmaster: CleanupProc: pid 26260 exited with status
> Strange. That looks like a perfectly normal exit from the backend.
> Could you attach to the backend with a debugger and set a breakpoint
> at proc_exit, so we can see how it's getting there?
> regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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> http://archives.postgresql.org