I've run into what seems to be a bug in ExecInsert() that causes a crash
when inserting multiple rows into a partitioned table that each go into
different partitions with different tuple descriptors. Crash occurs if
ExecInsert() returns without resetting estate->es_result_relation_info
back to the root table's resultRelInfo. For example, if a BR trigger on a
partition returns NULL for a row.
Crashing example:
create table p (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
create table p12 (b text, a int);
-- p12 has different tuple descriptor than p
alter table p attach partition p12 for values in (1, 2);
create table p4 partition of p for values in (4);
create function blackhole () returns trigger as $$ begin return NULL; end;
$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger blackhole before insert on p12 for each row execute
procedure blackhole();
insert into p values (1, 'b'), (4, 'a');
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
Crash is caused because we enter into ExecFindPartition with p12's
resultRelInfo as if it correponds to the root table. That happens because
we didn't reset estate->es_result_relation_info, which had been set to
p12's resultRelInfo to point back to the original resultRelInfo (that is,
p's) before returning like below:
slot = ExecIRInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, slot);
if (slot == NULL) /* "do nothing" */
return NULL;
There are other places where we prematurely return like that.
Attached a patch to fix that, which would need to be back-patched to 10.