I have a trigger that is created like so:
create trigger tr_on_table_modified after insert or delete or update
on some_table for each row execute procedure on_table_modified();
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION on_table_modified() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql $$
/* some code that does not modify any values but calls PERFORM on another function */
raise notice 'lowercasing %', new.email;
new.email = lower(new.email);
raise notice ' to %', new.email;
return new;
I can see in the output the notices with the expected values, but the value in the updated record is not lower-cased.
update some_table
set email = 'IGAL@Lucee.org'
where id = 1;
> 00000: lowercasing IGAL@Lucee.org
> 00000: to igal@lucee.org
select email
from some_table
where id = 1;
> email |
> --------------|
> IGAL@Lucee.org|
Any ideas?