Re: pgAdmin bugs observed. - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Dave Page
Subject Re: pgAdmin bugs observed.
Whole thread Raw
In response to pgAdmin bugs observed.  ("Donald Fraser" <>)
List pgadmin-support
-----Original Message-----
From: Donald Fraser []
Sent: 28 November 2002 11:20
Subject: [pgadmin-support] pgAdmin bugs observed.

I apologise if these bugs have already been reported but I find searching for a list of acknowledged bugs close to impossible using the mailing support system.
Name: Donald Fraser
Os: Windows 2000 professional SP2.
pgAdmin: 1.4.0 build 0.
My skills: Embedded systems, C, C++, Java, 10+ years as programmer.
1) During the install process, under administrator, Windows reports that several files cannot be installed as the are controlled by the operating system. It appears that certain system files are trying to be installed and do not succeed due to Windows attempting to protected its operating system files.
This may lead to further problems down the road if the underlying system relies on those versions of files to operate correctly...?
This is not a problem, it just means you have a newer version of the Microsoft HTML Help viewer installed (normal with SP2). The Microsoft Installer is just being overly alarming in it's messages!!
2) I tried to create a view and I got an immediate error. I have taken the snippet from the log.
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - SQL (CISX): CREATE VIEW vu_current_user AS SELECT id_usertype, id_4eyestype, id_contact, id_contrib, s_loginid, dt_passwdset, n_passexpire, b_hasvaluation FROM tbl_user WHERE id = get_userid()
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - SQL (CISX): SELECT c.oid, c.relname, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS viewowner, c.relacl, pg_get_viewdef(c.relname) AS definition FROM pg_class c WHERE ((c.relhasrules AND (EXISTS (SELECT r.rulename FROM pg_rewrite r WHERE ((r.ev_class = c.oid) AND (bpchar(r.ev_type) = '1'::bpchar))))) OR (c.relkind = 'v'::"char")) AND relname = 'vu_current_user'
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - *******************************************************************
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - Error(s)
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - *******************************************************************
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - Error in pgAdmin II:frmView.cmdOK_Click: 424 - Object required
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - Windows Version: Windows 2000 v5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - pgSchema Version: 1.4.0
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - MDAC Version: 2.5
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - DBMS Version: 07.02.0004 PostgreSQL 7.2.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
2002-11-27 17:25:29 - Connection String (Master Connection): Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="DRIVER={PostgreSQL};DATABASE=template1;SERVER=;PORT=5432;UID=postgres;PWD=;ReadOnly=0;Protocol=6.4;FakeOidIndex=0;ShowOidColumn=0;RowVersioning=0;ShowSystemTables=0;ConnSettings=;Fetch=100;Socket=4096;UnknownSizes=0;MaxVarcharSize=254;MaxLongVarcharSize=65536;Debug=0;CommLog=0;Optimizer=1;Ksqo=1;UseDeclareFetch=0;TextAsLongVarchar=1;UnknownsAsLongVarchar=1;BoolsAsChar=1;Parse=0;CancelAsFreeStmt=0;ExtraSysTablePrefixes=dd_;LFConversion=1;UpdatableCursors=1;DisallowPremature=0;TrueIsMinus1=0;BI=0"
Unfortunately as a programmer I know if I can't reproduce the error myself what chance have you got at ever fixing it!
I have tried to reproduce the error and I cannot, so logic tells me that it was not a single action that caused the error but rather a chain of events that lead to it. If you want the complete log I can send it to you.
What I did observe was that the view was acutally created but the security rights where not.
No, I can't reproduce it either, though it's possibly because of another bug that has been fixed in the version I'm running (see below). I'll keep an eye out for it though.
3) Having created a view, any view it seems, if I try to edit the properties either by the menu or by double clicking on the view I get an error - Element not found.
Here's the snippet from the log.
2002-11-28 11:05:18 - *******************************************************************
2002-11-28 11:05:18 - Error(s)
2002-11-28 11:05:18 - *******************************************************************
2002-11-28 11:05:18 - Error in pgAdmin II:frmView.Initialise: 35601 - Element not found
2002-11-28 11:05:18 - Windows Version: Windows 2000 v5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2
2002-11-28 11:05:18 - pgSchema Version: 1.4.0
2002-11-28 11:05:18 - MDAC Version: 2.5 
This problem has been fixed in version 1.4.2, available from
Thanks for the report anyway!
Regards, Dave. 

pgadmin-support by date:

From: "Donald Fraser"
Subject: pgAdmin bugs observed.
From: Çağıl Şeker
Subject: Setting varchar[] lenght?