> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Shapiro [mailto:mshapiro@ncsa.edu]
> Sent: 19 November 2003 16:09
> To: Dave Page
> Subject: RE: [pgadmin-support] pgAdmin bug? snapshot
> I have attached 2 log files. One for the snapshot
> (pgamdin-new.log) and the other for the release (pgadmin-rel.log)
Hi Michael,
By the looks of it this is Andreas' new dependency code causing this -
in particular, the following query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT tgargs from pg_trigger tr LEFT JOIN pg_depend dep ON dep.objid=tr.oid AND deptype =
'i' LEFT JOIN pg_constraint co ON refobjid = co.oid AND contype = 'f' WHERE co.oid IS NULL GROUP BY tgargs
HAVINGcount(1) = 3) AS foo
(please run this and confirm the execution time in your tgcdb_test
database). I've added a note to the todo list to only populate the
stats/depends list boxes if the appropriate tab is selected.
Regards Dave