> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Rappoport [mailto:mark@nsa.co.il]
> Sent: 08 October 2003 12:01
> To: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] Keep-alive?
> Perhaps I've missed something - if so, I apologize for
> wasting the list's time.
> Is there some support for keeping PostgreSQL connections
> alive? That is, I often start PGAdmin and leave it idle in
> the background; when I return to it, and hit an item in the
> tree, I get about 10-15 message boxes telling me that the
> server is offline.
> Are there any plans to change this functionality?
Hi Mark,
Neither pgAdmin nor PostgreSQL implement any kind of connection timeout.
Communication is via a TCP connection which is maintained by the TCP
stack on the client and the server. If you are getting disconnected from
your server, then I would guess that there is something else on your
network causing the problem. Ar you working across any ISDN links or
Regards, Dave.