> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Gabeler-Lee [mailto:mgabelerlee@zycos.com]
> Sent: 06 December 2002 20:24
> To: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] Explain broken with pg7.3 server
> When I use the explain button in pgadmin2 1.4.2 with a
> postgresql 7.3 server, I only get the top line from the plan.
> 7.3 looks like it returns plans as multiple line result
> sets, instead of a big notice.
I've just committed changes to fix this to CVS. If you want to try a
snapshot build, you can download a tarball from the binaries directory
on http://cvs.pgadmin.org/. Installation instructions are in the readme.
Regards, Dave.